=== File Away === Contributors: thomstark Donate link: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=2JHFN4UF23ARG Tags: files, attachments, upload, statistics, tables, directory, monetize, lightbox, audio, video, file manager, encryption Requires at least: 3.7 Tested up to: 5.1.1 Requires PHP: 5.4 Stable tag: License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html Upload, manage, and display files from your server directories or page attachments in stylized lists or sortable data tables. == Description == Upload, manage, and display files from your server directories or page attachments in stylized lists or sortable data tables. And much, much more. == Changelog == = = * Fixed download error when stats and encryption are enabled, was caused by previous sanitization update 3.9.7. = = * Bugfix for intermittent bug with filename encryption = = * Added show_wp_thumbs attribute to [fileaway] shortcode. Omit for default behavior (hide). show_wp_thumbs="true" to show them. * Modified bulk action select all behavior to only select files on the current page if the file table is paginated = = * Fixed bug with location nonce verification for setups where Site URL and WP Url are different = = * Fixed Flightbox navigation which was broken by an earlier update * Removed deprecated encryption method = = * Forgot to include a file update for Windows compat in the last update. This time it's for real. * Made alt pathinfo method the only pathinfo. Should fix most issues with multibyte filenames (e.g., Chinese, Russian, etc.) = = * Full compat with Windows/iis/xampp * Fixed maxsize bug with fileup shortcode = = * Important bugfix for timezone handling. * Improved error handling for ajax functions: more descriptive for troubleshooting purposes. * Increased speed of animations in manager mode. = = * Added the parentlabel attribute to the fileaway shortcode, allowing you to specify a pseudonym for the topmost directory in a Directory Tree Nav or Manager Mode table = = * Fixed bug with symlinks validator that only validated one subdirectory deep = 3.9.8 = * Added option to allow symlinks in file paths. Disabled by default. = = * Update to allow symlinks to escape new path validation checks unscathed = = * Fixed bug for PHP < 5.5 which prevents plugin activation = = * Fixed issue with new path validation's incompatibility with wp installs in a subdirectory at different domain than front-end site = = * Fixed dynamic paths not working = = * important patch = = * prettify set to "off" now applies to directory names as well * one bugfix * additional security improvements = = * Timezone handling improvements * Additional validation checks added = = * Added filename sanitizer = = * Moved downloader class to WP action * added comments to several sanitization and validation methods = 3.9.7 = * Important Security Patches * PHP 7 compat * Introduced Windows-friendly Stripslashes method * A completely new edition of File Away is in the works. Stay tuned. == Upgrade Notice == = = Security patches and validation improvements. Update immediately.